
TDD July Show & Tell

Welcome to our July Show & Tell!

Laurie brought a sea creature from Albuquerque, NM.

No sea in New Mexico? OK, actually she made it in one of the workshops at CIFI (Creations in Fiber, Inc.)

Here's another sea beauty. This one's from the Oklahoma prairie. No sea there either, you say? OK, ok...Jean made this lovely mermaid for a friend of a friend.

We have a Storybook Challenge coming up soon. Can you guess who this creation represents?

Yes, it's Miss Havisham from "Great Expectations."

Carlyn went all out with this entire vignette, complete with cobweb covered wedding cake. At least the mice are enjoying it.

 Poor Miss Havisham. Still in her wedding gown after all these years.

Shirley won the door prize this month. A real cutie made by Rena.

And finally, check out the curves on this belly dancer!

Va va voom! Great job, Nark!

We have several "works in progress" getting ready for the August library display. Be sure to check back in a couple weeks to see how we bring story book characters to life (so to speak)!