TDD Meetings aren't always just a display & sharing of members' latest doll creations. Often, someone brings a very cool or unusual "find". For instance, Shari brought these old patterns for Popeye & Olive Oyl dolls.

One time, Maryne brought the most exquisite, heavily beaded piece of fabric any of us have ever seen. It was her wedding dress!

All of The Dames have other artistic talents and interests. For instance, Maryne is a wonderful painter & sketch artist. A recent wrist injury put doll-making on hold, but she could still sketch!

And at every meeting, a member shares techniques and information in a short program. We are blessed to have author and
Bead Ranch owner, Sherril, as an active member of our group. She once did a program on making this doll-size beaded purse.

This month, Jack "The Toolman" taught a little bit on making armatures.

Now you know why we so look forward to the first Wednesday of the month!