Actually it's a basket of Pam's petal fairies!Had to get a picture of each one's shoes... Such exquisite detailing!
This concludes our March Show & Tell, but do check back soon for a new installment of "Where Dames Create." Have a peek inside Doreen's studio. See you soon, dollings!
Yesterday we went with a circus theme, since we had so many cute furries brought this month. In this post, we'll show you some of the dolls our Dames have been working on!
Well, it was very good to get our doll parade back on track after missing last month's get together due to the weather!
And what a festive way to begin our meeting - with a parade of elephants. Shirley made up several of these from scraps. We think they would be perfect for a charity outreach. They are so cheery! Joyce brought some felted friends for Show & Tell. Our meetings are always quite lively - maybe to observers, it looks like a zoo! But we're actually quite orderly. We just like to have fun!Perhaps this last snowy month had everyone thinking "fur". Carlyn made these precious critters. If the circus is coming to town, there will be clowns! Laura brought this gift she received from Barbara. What's a parade without spectators? Of course there were dolls! And you'll see more of those next post. Check back soon...