Attended todays meeting: Jack, Daria, Jean, Mary Ann, Shari, Carlyn, Doreen,
Jayne, Barbara K, Lauri, Shirley, Connie, Pat, Barbara D.
Financial Report by Laurie, shows a net worth of $971.00. Our bank account is now in the club's name, Tulsa Dolling Dames. The other account is now closed.
Old Business:
Jayne has reserved a 10 x 10 booth for Art on Main, Oct. 8th. Laurie has a canopy. There is a $25.00 fee for the booth and the club will reimburse Jayne. Here is where we will be selling our pins we will make..Jayne and Barbara will be selling their dolls for sure so contact them if you want to particate in selling for more information.
We will work on the pin dolls July and August during our monthly meetings, instead of having programs. If you have thin wire, beads, needle nose plyers and findings bring them to add to the doll pins.
Leta Benedict will be teaching Oct 14, 15th & possibly the 16th for half day at the Hadesty Library, Maple room. Time starting on Friday and Sat will be 9am-5pm. It will be determined if we will need Sunday after Jean has talked to Leta. Leta will be ask for 3 pictures of dolls she could teach us & if there will be a kit. Jayne and Barbara like all her dolls and would even take the class they just had with her over again!
Jack reminded us of the charity dolls and he received more today from Doreen and Shirley.
Hoffman challenge is due July 15th. A few of us are working on the Hoffman doll and some of the pictures are starting to appear on Deanna Hogan's site.
This site is fun to watch as it starts to fill with some of the challenge dolls.
If anyone wants to do the Hoffman challenge it is impossible to find the fabric here in Tulsa. The fabric stores are just not carrying it....you need only a small piece on your doll so I have a bit of it left if you need some. The Tulsa Dolling Dames have some of the best dolls out there and many of our girls have won in the past. The prize for entering is usually just some Hoffman fabric but it is very well run and having your doll travel for a year is just so much fun as well as being a part of it.
New Business:
Barbara and Jayne discussed AFIC (Artistic Fiber in Cloth) in Columbus, Ohio. They highly recommend this conferance so maybe more of us could attend next year.
Barbara recommends Leslie Molen as the next teacher. She was impressed with her as a teacher and person. Leslie is in charge of NIADA this year in Denver.
We nominated and elected new officers for the coming 2 years:
Laura Hutchison, President
Shirley Harwell, Secretary
Barbara Kanter, Treasurer
Thanks go out to Jack for putting up with us for 2 years. He was a great president and led us at each meeting exceeding well. It is not an easy job so we really appreciated you being president for 2 years, Jack.
The door prize was won by Doreen today! Carlyn made a sweet lingerie stand with a corset and bloomers.
Jayne has the door prize next month..
Show and tell was just fabulous! Pictures were taken by Connie and will appear soon on the TDD blog.
Mary Ann gave us an awesome program on felting today...It was enjoyed by everyone. Will we have some little felted animals appearing now, girls...? I am going to be working on my felting when I get the sponges to protect my fingers from those barbs on the needle. Thanks, Mary Ann
sites for felting supplies
for glastic doll eyes see
Today was well attended and informative. We accomplished a lot, shared a lot and had a great time being together..
To pay your yearly dues send $12.00 to
4131 Colonial Dr
Sapulpa, Ok, 74066
918 248 9969
Make out check to Tulsa Dolling Dames
Shirley Harwell, Secretary