Laurie is making a Steampunk project from an online class. It's a very cool car made with everyday items. Can't wait to see the driver!
Shirley finished her Steampunk Dude from the Oct workshop taught by Stephanie Novatski.
He's quite dapper!
Shari brought her finished project from the doll-head exchange.
Doreen made a little sister for a doll we made a couple years ago in a Dianne Little workshop.
Daria is expanding into jewelry & fabric roses. Gorgeous!
Here are the minutes from our meeting:
Our next class is with Arley Berryhill on April 19 and 20, 2013 at the
Tulakogee Lodge north of Wagoner. After the email Laurie sent out to members to
chose which doll they wanted, the mermaid and the witch head got the most votes.
The members present decided to do the mermaid that uses paint dyes, face
coloring, and beading.
The Christmas Party is Saturday, December 8 at 12:00 noon. Pam has graciously
offered to host the party…thank you, Pam, and Jean will furnish a door
prize…thank you, Jean! If you want to participate in the gift exchange, please
bring a doll-related gift. During the Christmas Party, sign up sheets for the
door prize and programs for 2013 will be passed around. If you have not signed
up to bring food, please contact Pam at 918-492-7021 to tell her what you will
bring. Pam’s house is always decorated beautifully for Christmas!
Laurie suggested we have a new challenge due at the March meeting. Make a
doll inspired by a piece of art. You can find works of art in the library or on
the web. The dolls will be our Hardesty Library display for April. Think "out of
the box," and make a wondrous creation.
Connie suggested that for our June 1
st meeting, on Saturday, we
swap items used by doll makers…fabric, tools, beads, etc. The meeting will be a
potluck lunch at Connie’s house at 12:00…thanks you, Connie! So check out your
stash and bring items for trading. Good idea, Miss Connie!
MAD (Magical Art Dolls) Conference: The conference will be held Oct 10 – 13,
2013 at the Wyndham Hotel in Tulsa. A Face Book page is being set up, and a
blog. Barbara Schoenoff from Illinois, Linda Misa from Australia, and Jessica
Hamilton will be our teachers. Barbara will teach a 3-day class, and Linda, and
Jessica will teach a 1-day class, and a 2-day class each. Jessica runs the and has a Face Book page and a blog. We are excited about
these 3 teachers. It was discussed and voted on that the Tulsa Dolling Dames
will sponsor MAD by helping, and perhaps a donation of money. Carlyn made the
motion, and Doreen seconded and the motion carried.
There was no door prize or program, but we had a wonderful show and tell.