Our quarterly meeting always takes place on a Saturday so our gals who can't take off work during the week can attend. It's always great to see them! Last year it seems we started a new tradition - a summer luncheon/fabric swap. Our 2nd one was so enjoyable! Good friends, delicious food, lively conversation, beautiful dolls and...fabric!
We got to see some finished dolls from last weekend's Magical Art Doll Retreat. Here is Carlyn's ball jointed doll from the Jessica Hamilton class.
You would never know this was Carlyn's first BJD, would you?
Here are Doreen's Kimama elves from Paula McGee's class. Aren't they beautiful?
The one on the left is the pattern at full size; on the right it's been reduced by 25%.
The one on the left is the pattern at full size; on the right it's been reduced by 25%.
More sweet wee folk by Shauna.

And finally, Connie shared a work in progress. Yeah, she's still puttering around with that music challenge doll from April. Someday we'll get to see a finished "Leather & Lace" :)
Next post will be a few shots from the MAD Retreat and before you know it, it'll be July! Happy Threads to everyone!