Uh oh! Look what we found sleeping on a cucumber...

This sweet little thing was made by Sheri for this month's door prize. The sparkly fabric is called fairy frost. She said it's very easy to use and can be found at Quilt Sampler.

And best of all, she was won by Sherrill, who had the program this month. She did a great job squeezing in a beading lesson on how to make this little purse. She deserved to win for having to teach over all the chatter!

Sherrill also brought a very special Show & Tell that brought many ooohs & aaahs. This is what we saved til last to show you...
A fabulous, antique crazy quilt.
Note the date embroidered - 1885!!

And that concludes the picture tour of our August meeting. We missed getting a few pictures (it was quite a lively and busy meeting!) and apologies to those dolls. We'll get more next month.

Time to pack up and we'll see you again soon!
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