(starting off with Pam's dolls, because I couldn't wait to use that title!)Our October meeting was lively, as always, with club business, talking about the November workshop, the December Barbie Challenge, door prize drawing, and our favorite thing: Show & Tell!

Pam brought a basketful of exquisite flower fairies. Oh what eye candy they are!!

So much detail in their costuming. Their hats would be the envy of any FairyLand Ascot.

The shoes - more beautiful than Milano's.

Pam used a Patti Culea pattern and made some adaptations. Their garments are made from flowers she bought on sale at the local craft store. They were taken apart & applied individually, layer upon layer.

The hats are also styled from flower petals with feather & ribbon embellishment. The shoes are leaves. What else would a proper fairy maiden dress in?! Tied at the back of the waist were gorgeous satin or velvet bows.

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