We just finished the most MAH-va-lous spring workshop with Angela Jarecki! It was challenging, informative, intense, FUN...everything we could ask for.

Angela is a delightful teacher and her work is inspiring.

Our objective was to learn how to make an armature based, fabric-over-paper-clay, fairy based on her doll, "Reluctance."
Day One. Class begins promptly at
9:00 AM. (on time? - something we're not used to in these parts!) First step - compress a styrofoam egg.
Piece o' cake.
Step two: cover with paper clay.
OK, we can do this.

9:30 AM. hmmmm. Can we really do this?

9:45 AM.
uh... maybe we're in over our heads. 
Just kidding. We began adding features.

Angela guided & encouraged every step of the way.

It's an amazing process to push & prod lumps of clay and see it gradually become a fairy face!

While the face dried, it was time to begin building the armature. Check back tomorrow to see how that went!
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