It's spring! Beauty, color, sweet sights & sounds are popping up everywhere!

We didn't expect a band to come play for us this month but they did. What a surprise!

Doreen sure outdid herself with this piece. Her little band of forest folk are sitting on a real log (treated by drying in the oven).

It's not "Snow White & 7 Dwarves" but maybe the Gnome Band has "Sweeping Beauty" to clean up after them.

Jean made "Sweeping Beauty" from a Cindee Moyer pattern.

Jean's doll faces are always so sweet & serene looking.

Shirley has experimented with another kind of doll making; paper dolls in cloth dress & lots of embellishments. This is a Barbara Willis pattern. Remember making paper dolls?

MaryAnn brought some adorable felt animals and this colorful bird. At next month's meeting she's going to demonstrate felting.

As a club, one of our goals this year is to make comfort dolls & bears for children in stressful situations.

We had a small attendance this month but lots of fun, talking & sharing, as always. See you next month!
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