Attended: Jayne, Doreen, Barbara D, Shari, Jean, Pam, Laura, Jack, Brenda, Shirley, Connie Carlyn, Lisa
Financial Report: Pam presented overall financial statement with a balance of $1099
Old Business:
Everyone going to Sherry Goshon's class is excited about the class at the Hardesty Library, Pecan room, March 23 and 24th. Sherry designed the doll just for our club. The club purchased turn tables for the club's use and will have them at the workshop. The first day will be messy so bring a towel or apron. Laura is bringing a selection of colors of wire cording needed to wrap around the skirt so if you haven't found that yet you can buy that from her at the class. The class is $75.00. A trip to Pryor is planned Thurs. the day before the meeting to Fabric Cuts Outlet. Love that place. More information will be sent out out the Proyor trip. Also, Connie has invited everyone to come Friday for lunch during the lunch break at her house. (she lives close to the library). She is cooking! Jean is having a luncheon noon on Sunday at Sand Springs. Bring a covered dish. Sherry will still be here for that so if you have any more questions about the doll, you can get some help. Sound like a fabulous all around fun time with lots of friends and doll making!
Tulsa Quilt show is June 8th and 9th at the Fairgrounds. We will have one of the Hoffman trunks & sell our club pins. Please bring some of your dolls for display also. Jean is making a raffle doll for the public to buy and this is another way for us to raise money for the club treasury. This is always very popular, her dolls are so beautiful.
Hoffman Challenge deadline is July 20th. The challenge fabric is at Cotton Patch.
The Storybook challenge is due the last of July and Laura will add them to the display case Aug. 1st at the Hardesty Library. The doll should be be accompanied by the story book.
We are still hoping to have Leta Benedict in Oct. Nothing is definate yet however.
New Business:
We discussed, voted and passed on a proposal that we have a quarterly meeting on Saturday instead of Wed. for the months of March, June and Sept. The meeting will be the first Sat. of those months instead of Wed. We don't have a meeting in Dec. due to the Christmas party. The first meeting will then be on Sat. at 1pm at either the B-Sew Inn or Hardesty. More news to follow on that. June is a great month to start that since that is when we vote on officers and pay club dues. We have several people who work and are unable to come on Weds.
Another proposal concerning the people who take care of the teacher while she is here, proposed saving receipts of not only the teacher's meals but the hostess meals and repaying these costs. The proposal was voted on and consensus was to do this for the person hosting.
There was a proposal also to allow the hostess who has the teacher at her home to receive a free class. This was discussed as a lottery system since there may be more that one person who wants to host. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.
April's agendy we will discuss raising the class fee to $20.00 or $24.00 The cost has never been changed and our treasury gets very low around the time we have teachers.
Door Prize was made by Connie and won by Barbara Dunlap, (again) Way to go Barbara. It was cute with a St. Patrict theme! Great job Connie.
Jayne brought the library and Brenda brought fabric.
Shirley had the program on making a simple wing.
In April no one signed up for a program and the door prize may be Barbara Kanter?
We hope you have a wonderful month and we will see you in April. We missed those who could not be with us. Hope all is well with you.
Shirley, Secretary