July+Summer+Thoughts of the Beach+By the Ocean = Mermaids! We have another finished mermaid from our spring workshop and she's a beauty!
Sherry did a lot of embellishing with beads and sequins.
She's also working on her entry for the Hoffman Challenge. We were excited to see the work in progress.
Shirley brought the Princess & the Pea, from the pattern by Cindee Moyer.
Notice in her hand the pea that's been causing her to toss & turn!
Almost missed getting a picture of Nark's whimsical cutie.
Our littlest dollmaker, Anna, brought some newlyweds. She is cranking out dolls like a pro!
She's also on a winning streak - this is the 3rd month in a row she's won the door prize, a handmade pair of doll boots by Carlyn. (Aren't they amazing?!)
Speaking of shoes....Jean has been busy making table favors for the upcoming doll conference.
These are pretty enough for a princess and one can be yours if you attend the Magical Art Doll Conference. Info & registration here.
Beautiful dolls! I especially love the Princess and the pea.