Our June meeting was all about our favorite subject - art dolls, of course! - and a bonus this month: a program on making hats. More about that later. First we need to find out why little missy here is rockin' an attitude...

Look at Miss Strawberry Trifle all with her hands on her hips. uh huh.

Well, turns out she just got back from CIFI and had a yummy time competing in the dessert challange.

Not only that ~

Yes, ma'am, she did!

Congratulations, Laurie!!

It wasn't all competition in the whipped cream & chocolate. The ladies took some classes and brought their work back to show us.

Love this elegant beauty made from paper in a class by (Sherry Goshen?)

Jayne made one, too, and we'll see hers in the next post. Laurie also treated herself to a special souvenir: a Diane Little doll.

Gorgeous work by Diane Little!

More to come! In the meantime, if you're in the Tulsa area, stop by & see us at the Green Country Quilt Show this weekend.
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