Presiding over this wonderful display of art dolls from all over the nation was a very stately gentleman doll...aptly named "The Gentleman."

This gorgeously costumed doll was made by our esteemed Jean as a raffle prize. This is also the pattern the club is using for our December challenge.

And now on to the Dolls!

The trunk was full of wondrous beaded & bangled creatures of all shapes and sizes.Each one incorporated the same fabric chosen by the Hoffman company.

It's amazing to see how many different ways people can use the same fabric pattern and color and yet each doll is unique.

Two of our club members' dolls were also chosen to 'travel' and came in the B trunk. This is Shari's.

And this is Daria's.

We also had many of our own dolls on display to introduce the public to the art of doll making, whether it be soft-sculpt cloth, cloth over clay, or even specialty paper.

These are some Hoffman entries & winners from last year's challenge made by our own club members.

Here are some Dolling Dames Dolls that were on display.

Barbara's bride entered the CIFI "crazy desserts challenge" with Miss Strawberry Trifle and also came home with a blue ribbon in her category.

Why the shotgun? Because "She'll do Anything for a Piece of Wedding Cake!" Congratulations Barbara!

Also on display were some dolls made by well known artists and purchased by our members. For example, the little Girl Scout in the picture below.

And this adorable "Strawberry Moose."

More dolls made by our club members.

Isn't this a smoldering couple? They are Sherril's Pas de Deaux dolls from last year's workshop with Barbara Schoenoff.

Definately ready to tango, wouldn't you say?

Pictures don't do justice to this little fairy on the swing. The whole tree was a riot of colorful cloth strips and there's another fairy sitting higher in the branches.

Daria's dashing Zorro from last year's club color challenge.

Are you wondering who won the dapper Gentleman?

Here's a clue: Doreen's little Pixie looks awfully happy!
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