This month's header is a picture of a doll Pam made & brought for Show & Tell last fall. The year has surely flown by! But the doll is so cute & appropriate to greet our October blog. All of the monthly header pictures are whimsied up with a little Photoshop magic, just for fun.
October is Halloween month and many little boys will want to be Cap'n Jack Sparrow again this year. Although this is not a doll made by Sheri, she thought we would enjoy seeing it. A wonderful likeness of Johnny/Jack!

This sweet li'l thing must be going trick or treating as a Ladybug. No plastic pumpkin for her! She'll be collecting candy in her perfectly accessorized ladybug bag.

Look at those big green eyes! That bag will be full of chocolate in no time. Miss Ladybug was created by Barbara.

Whoa, Annie, git-cher gun! Someone is stylin here! Is this a high fashion Annie Oakley?

She is Laurie's
work in progress. The body is based on a Dianne Little pattern, the one we did in our workshop last fall.

She's beautiful & not even finished. Can't wait to see her all done!
We had a nice show of dolls this month, so be sure and check back to see more.
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