Our meetings are always so full of news, catching up, planning, fabric swaps, pattern browsing, and just all sorts of excited chatter, but there are 3 particular highlights that everyone looks forward to: Show & Tell, the Door Prize drawing, and the Program.Sherry brought a colorful confection to Show & Tell; it's not one she made but bought from Joyce.

Sherry also won the much coveted door prize this month. She was so excited to win for the very first time. The DP was a long-legged cutie appropriately attired for the Fall Festivities.

Pam made the door prize this month and we all knew it would be wonderful, as they are every month!

Pam's Show & Tell had a great story to go with her. She is modeled after a high school friend and will be a gift to her at the next reunion.

Pam said this gal has faithfully planned the reunions & stayed in touch with everyone all these years. Pam's husband, who clearly appreciates his wife's talent, suggested she make a doll as a way of thanking her.

Her little cheerleader outfit was modeled from a yearbook picture.

The socks are baby socks, cut to fit. And the shoes - well, you need to be at club next month because Pam is going to demonstrate her cobbler techniques!

The football field 'grass' is the stuff used on model train sets.

What a fabulous gift for a special friend!
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