
Sept Show & Tell

 This is Laurie's second lovely version of "Alouette" a pattern by Barbara Schoenoff.

Carlyn's festive sleigh rider.

Doreen's creations.

Creative sculpture by Ben. The first one is an altered Altoid tin. The next two are altered lighters.

Something Ben's been working on. This creature has much potential!

Carlyn won the door prize - one of Pam's petal pretties!

Til next time!


August Show & Tell

Sock Gnome by Sarah. 
She'll be demonstrating how to make these in an upcoming meeting.

Sweet sisters by Doreen.

Beautiful "Alouette" by Laurie.
(pattern by Barbara Schoenoff)

WIP by Shauna.
The wings are actual bones (not human, just to be clear!)

Embellished wings by Connie.
Autumn forest fairy still in progress.

Congratulations to Carlyn!
Her work was published in the final issue of Art Doll Quarterly!