

Our December meeting took the form of a holiday party at Jean's "Magical House of Dolls" (or at least that's what it seems like to me!). Thank you, Jean (and your little elves) for opening your wonderful home to the TDD. We had so much fun talking, laughing, eating, exchanging gifts, eating some more, and of course, admiring the talent of our club. Everyone brought their finished Diane Little doll and whatever else they've been working on the last few weeks. Barbara called this her 'unfinished year' and brought a couple of her works in progress. Here is the grouping of DL dolls.Talk about Fashionistas!
This must be what Chicago or NYC looked like in the 40's as the Ladies Who Lunch set went Christmas shopping. Next up: a collection of candlestick dolls from Jayne's class.

1 comment:

  1. While on a Google search for Art deco doll patterns...I stumbled here!!..lol
    these art deco ladies just make me swoon!!
    All are so lovely!!
    Would love to know what pattern was used,
    and if it's available for purchase!
    Sure wish I lived in Tulsa!!!..Looks like a
    fabulous time! ;-)
    happy dolling!!!
    Kristine ;-D


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