
June Show & Tell

'Twas a busy June meeting and our first quarterly Saturday one. We elected officers, discussed upcoming projects, had an informative & encouraging program, and of course, enjoyed Show & Tell!

Our members from Arkansas were able to attend and we oooohed & aaaaahhed over this delightful couple.

The birds' feet are made of wire, wrapped with strips of chamois cloth, then painted.

Shauna was able to be with us this month and it's always fun to see her unique creations. She specializes in Prims. Check out the shoes on this lady...

 Pam has her doll ready for the upcoming Storybook Challenge.

If you're in the Tulsa area, be sure to stop by Hardesty Library in August to see the whole display of doll characters and the books that inspired them.

And this was the door prize! The expression on this guy is fabulous!

 He's a pin-cushion doll made by Shirley. Connie was thrilled to win this!!!!

 Oooh yeah, he's keepin' an eye on things around here!

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