
May Show & Tell

Hello! We're a little behind with our Show & Tell pictures. We wanted to keep you focused on
registering for the first Magical Art Doll Retreat and the June Luncheon/Fabric Swap.
So now it's time to catch up on what's been happening with TDD. Here we go!

Jayne made this camel in a Nancy Gowron class. He is rockin' some massive personality! 

 A little word on this one: Carlyn's mermaid is part of an amazing lamp she made to enter in a local
juried show and it was accepted! We'll show the lamp after the show.

Lisa brought this cutie-patootie. 

 Another of Jean's exquisite beauties.

 She's based on Barbara Schoenoff's "Anneal" pattern. Jean's special touch is a hand-beaded bag.

The MAD Retreat was a B.L.A.S.T.!!! We'll have some pix to show you from that and more info about what all we did. But next up will be some photos from the June Show & Tell. Check back soon!

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