
September Show & Tell

We had our quarterly "Saturday Meeting" this weekend. Even though the attendance was a bit light, we enjoyed visiting and seeing some of our members latest creations.

Lisa won the door prize; made by Doreen from a Cindee Moyer pattern.

One of our Arkansas ladies brought her Hoffman entry.

Doreen's adorable little witch.

Some people had asked to see Carlyn's personal line of designer cards, so she brought some samples. (These are sooooo cute and are pictures of her own dolls, each one in a shoe and special setting, with a little message for many occasions. Anyone, but especially doll enthusiasts, would love to receive one. If you're interested, leave a comment and we'll get you in touch with her!)

Sherry's sweet simplicity!

Nark shared that she loves to make tiny things.
We also had some very special visitors! Stephanie Novatski sent her workshop dolls in advance of the classes coming up in October. We oooohed and aahhhhed over each one and the ladies are excitedly looking forward to this class!

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