
October Meeting Minutes

October 3, 2012, Wednesday

The Stephanie Novatski class has a total of 15 students. We can take more students, and members were encouraged to see if anyone else would like to participate. There will be a play day at Jean’s house this Saturday, October 6, to work on the pre-work for the class. Everyone is invited to come. Please call Jean so she will know how many to prepare for. There was a discussion on how to construct the doll and the materials used. Everyone who has paid for the class should have the pattern and instructions. We will get together on Friday and Saturday evenings to take the teacher to dinner. Anyone may join us.

We had a good booth at the Artisan Village at the Tulsa State Fair. The Artisan Village was placed between two main entrances so there were a lot of people looking at the booths. Laurie and Jayne worked Saturday on the 11 to 4 shifts, and Shauna took over from 4 to 8. This coming weekend, Daria and Jack will work the entire day on Saturday. Thanks to all the volunteers! Pictures of the competition dolls are on the Tulsa Dolling Dames Face Book page. Jean won the Grand Prize with her Angela Jarecki fairy that was entered in Mixed Media. Congratulations to all who entered dolls.

The Christmas party will be held on December 8 at Pam’s house. Thank you, Pam! The party starts at 12:00 noon, and you can sign up for food to bring at the November meeting or you can email Pam. Pam’s house is always beautifully decorated for the holidays…you don’t want to miss it. We will have a gift exchange for all that want to participate. Please make sure your gift is doll related. Jean will furnish the door prize, and you do not have to buy a raffle ticket to win the prize! Thank you, Jean!

Tulakogee Lodge: Doreen and a friend visited the lodge and toured it. It is north of Wagoner, and about the same distance from Tulsa as the Western Hills Lodge. The conference center has bright light and lots of electrical outlets. Rooms have 4 single beds. All room costs included 3 meals and use of the conference center. For 3 people to a room it is $116 per person for two nights, 2 people $130 per person, and one person $150. All rooms are handicapped accessible with a toilet and walk in shower, sink and coffee maker. There are no TVs in the rooms, and no maid service. Laurie will talk with Arley Berryhill to come up with a date for the class. Everyone thought the lodge sounded great for our purposes.

New Business: We need to establish a policy for classes regarding refunds if someone cancels. The number of students who sign up for the class determines the cost. It was decided that no refunds be given once the class is paid for. Payment in full will be expected one month before the class. At that time, the pattern and instructions for pre-work will be provided. If a student cannot attend, it will be their responsibility to find someone to take their place and transfer all materials to them.

We also discussed the cost of future classes. Teacher’s fees are rising, plus travel expenses. This discussion was tabled for a future meeting.

The door prize was furnished by Jack and won by Lisa. It was 2 cute doll pins made by Jack.

We exchanged the challenge "head" dolls. Not many people had dolls to exchange. I am currently holding a doll that was made by Nark, but she could not remember with whom she exchanged heads. Please contact me if you have Nark’s doll. Please contact the person with whom you exchanged heads so everyone can received their doll.

We had a good show and tell. Pictures soon on our blog.
Jayne Swanson
TDD Secretary

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